
Posts Tagged ‘Bliss’

This Blue Heaven – “Bliss”

A handy tip for readers: never underestimate my deep, deep love for bright colors. Use blocks of bright colors in your work and I am immediately and totally yours.

This Blue Heaven must have known of my great love when they were making the video for “Bliss”. The video is built around the combination of the most cheerful colors known to man and the most cheerful-looking band I have ever seen. This Blue Heaven has only been around for three years. They released their first album, Quicksandglass only last year, and quickly released a fun music video to announce their arrival on the scene. “Bliss” does a great job of capturing the band’s attitude toward music, their self-proclaimed mission to “remind you of all the reasons you love being alive, to make you see that their world and your world are one and the same.” The music is so upbeat, and the band is so happy, they clap while backlit and also sing and dance in front of bright colors while being lighted by other bright colors and also they wear bright colors! It’s a color smorgasbord!

Director | Christopher Gaines

The band hasn’t stopped there, though. Their new album, Spinning and Shining is set to be released on August 7th. Catch their CD release party that night at the Middle East in Cambridge, with The Downbeat 5, The Sun Lee Sunbeam, Do Not Forsake Me, Oh My Darling, St. Helena, and Naked on Roller Skates, hosted by Boston Band Crush. See you all there!